Tech Leaders: If You’re Not Prioritizing Communications, You Have a Brand Problem

Emma Keates

And we could replace the word ‘brand’ in the headline with reputation, trust, leadership, credibility, perception, growth… Choose a noun!

What people used to call Public Relations (PR) has evolved into a comprehensive discipline known as Communications. This change reflects the expanding scope and critical importance of communications in shaping a company's brand, reputation, and overall success, especially for fast-growth tech companies. 

And the strategic importance of communications is underscored by its rapid growth as a profession. According to LinkedIn's "Jobs on the Rise" report, the role of external communications manager is among the fastest-growing occupations globally. This surge in demand reflects the increasing recognition that communications expertise is essential for navigating the complexities of modern business. And I’m not using communications as a fancy replacement for good old PR. There’s a lot more to it. It’s not a job for shy, retiring types.

From PR to Communications: A Broader Scope

Traditionally, PR focused on managing a company's image and handling interactions with the media. However, the role of PR has morphed over the past few decades into a broader concept: Communications. This evolution encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, including internal communications, social media management, media relations, and more. 

Today's communications professionals are tasked with ensuring that every message, whether internal or external, aligns with the company's vision, mission, values and goals, and this is crucial in the constantly evolving tech sector.

Navigating Constant Change

Fast-growth tech companies operate in an environment of constant change. New products, updates, and innovations are regularly introduced. Funding rounds, acquisitions, restructuring and leadership changes to give just a few examples, all require agility in communications, without compromising on clarity and being on-message. 

Communications experts play a critical role in navigating these changes, ensuring that all stakeholders—employees, customers, investors, partners, media and influencers—are informed and engaged. By effectively communicating changes, tech companies can move from merely mitigating confusion to building trust and momentum.

Simplifying and Humanizing Complex Ideas

One of the significant challenges tech companies face is translating complex technical ideas into understandable and engaging narratives. 

As Sydney J. Harris, an American journalist, aptly puts it;

"Information is giving out; communication is getting through"​.​

Communications professionals excel at simplifying complex ideas, making them accessible and engaging for a wider audience. Whether it’s breaking down the intricacies of a new software release, explaining the benefits of cutting-edge technology, or outlining a strategic pivot: Effective communication ensures that the message is clear and compelling.

In the tech industry, it's easy for communications to become overly focused on features and specifications. However, the most successful tech companies understand the importance of humanizing their product communications. This involves highlighting how products and innovations impact customers and real people and even improve lives. 

The best communications consultants craft narratives that connect on an emotional level, making the technology relatable and demonstrating its value and tangible benefits.

Internal Communications: The Forgotten Foundation of External Perception

One of the key aspects of a modern Communications function is its role in bridging internal and external messaging. Internal communications involve keeping employees informed, engaged, and aligned with the company's mission and vision. 

When done effectively, this internal alignment naturally translates into positive external communications. Employees become brand ambassadors, and their satisfaction and engagement reflect positively on the company’s public image. When trust is high, communication is easier and more effective. 

Conversely, poor internal communications inevitably leads to misunderstandings, decreased morale, and ultimately, a tarnished external reputation. Sadly, internal communications is often the first to be deprioritized when companies cut costs, despite its crucial role in amplifying all external communication efforts.

Social Media: The Frontline of Brand Management

In the age of social media, tech companies must navigate a landscape where information spreads rapidly, uncontrollably and virally. Social media platforms are not just tools for marketing; they are essential channels for real-time communication with customers, stakeholders, and the broader public. Assigning an intern to handle ‘socials’ without a central communications strategy is a recipe for disaster, but we see it all the time. And these platforms are constantly evolving, so just when you master one, a new one emerges. 

A well-managed social media presence can enhance brand loyalty, address customer concerns swiftly, and be used to manage crisis effectively. Communications experts play a pivotal role in crafting the right messages, monitoring social media trends, and engaging with audiences in a way that builds trust and credibility. With the right strategy, tech companies can turn the challenges of social media into powerful opportunities for growth and connection.

Media Relations: Navigating the Information Highway

Media and Influencer Relations remain a critical component of the Communications function. Building and nurturing relationships with journalists, media outlets and other influencers ensures that a company's story is told accurately and favorably. In some cases, these relationships, where trust has been established, can be the key to preventing the publication of negative articles or, at the very least, providing the influence needed to turn a negative story around. Communications professionals are the custodians of the company's narrative, ensuring that the media coverage aligns with the desired image and messaging.

Communications at the Core: The Heart of a Company’s Success

Communications sit at the center of everything wonderful or terrible that can happen to a company. Whether it's launching a new product, handling a crisis, or navigating regulatory changes, effective communication is a linchpin of success. It influences how a company is perceived by the world, impacting everything from customer loyalty to investor confidence. 

I’ve met with many tech leaders who think they communicate well, but this profession is hard work, it gets messy, it requires integrity, it requires calm urgency. It’s highly skilled. In an era where transparency and authenticity are highly valued, companies must prioritize communications to build and maintain a strong, positive reputation.

If communications hasn’t been a priority for your business and you’re ambitious about growth, it’s time to re-evaluate its importance. 

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